Prioritize Backlog Items Stage

The purpose of the value stream stage “Prioritize Backlog Items” is to refine qualified Portfolio Backlog Items and mandates for new or existing Digital Product investment decisions. The budget allocated in the Evaluate value stream for the Product Portfolio is used to explore Digital Product ideas and determine feasibility. This should include ensuring that scoped Product Backlog Items deliver value, mitigate risks, and meet governance criteria (technology, security, reliability, supportability, etc.). The deliverables for this value stream stage are a Scope Agreement with prioritized Product Backlog Items; scope and timing refined.

Table 1. Prioritize Backlog Items Value Stream Stage

Entrance Criteria:

  • Digital Product is selected for exploration and to determine feasibly

Exit Criteria:

  • Refined Scope Agreement with prioritized Product Backlog Items, scope, and timing

Value Item:

  • Digital Product investments that meet budget, compliance, and supportability requirements


  • Shall prioritize and refine qualified Portfolio Backlog Items and mandates for new or existing Digital Product investment decisions

  • May consider new revenue opportunities, Strategic Themes, rationalization effects, customer demands, improvements, emergency fixes, directives related to compliance or regulatory, Digital Product dependency changes, end-of-life and decommissioning, transition to next version

  • May adjust funding and resource allocations for Scope Agreements

  • May group, correlate, and rationalize qualified Product Backlog Items to avoid redundancy and maximize resources to gain efficiencies and scale

  • Should ensure scoped Product Backlog Items deliver value, mitigate risks and meet governance criteria (technology, security, reliability, supportability, etc.)

  • Should plan program increments (e.g., quarterly planning)

  • Should align portfolio and product roadmap

Examples of Participating Stakeholders:

  • Business Analyst

  • Compliance Manager

  • Enterprise Architect

  • External Stakeholder

  • Product Manager

  • Product Portfolio Manager