Strategic Objective Data Object
The Strategic Objective data object defines specific actionable goals and measurable outcomes for identified stakeholders and should be related to/or provide the most important results for the business case.
Key Attributes
The Strategic Objective data object shall have the following key data attributes:
Id: unique identifier; e.g., number of the Strategic Objective
Name: descriptive name of the Strategic Objective
Description: description/details of the Strategic Objective
Key Data Object Relationships
Strategic Objective to Strategic Theme (n:m): a Strategic Objective defines details of Strategic Themes; in some instances a given objective will deliver on several themes
Strategic Objective to Portfolio Backlog Item (n:m): a Portfolio Backlog Item can be part of delivering a Strategic Objective and thus this relation can indicate the importance of a Portfolio Backlog Item as well as indicating how an objective is to be delivered
Strategic Objectives to Architecture Roadmap Item (n:m): define what activities will deliver a given objective