Diagnostics & Remediation Functional Component

id EAID 700AF0B5 73B3 4072 9567 A1609E3DC63C
Figure 9-9. Diagnostics & Remediation Functional Component Model


Through the use of manual and automated Runbooks, the Diagnostics & Remediation functional component provides diagnostics information and/or remediation steps to shorten the MTTR. During the Event lifecycle, some categories of Events can serve as initiators of alerts and/or Incidents and also for diagnostics and remediation activities. Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be utilized in this function to automate the diagnosis and remediation of Events. Runbooks help to streamline diagnosis and remediation for service functions by applying knowledge solutions to service anomalies.

The Diagnostics & Remediation functional component supports the value streams:

Functional Criteria

The Diagnostics & Remediation functional component:

  • Shall be the system of record for all Runbooks

  • Shall manage the Runbook lifecycle

  • May allow an Event to trigger a Runbook for diagnostics or remediation purposes

  • May allow an Incident to trigger a Runbook for diagnostics or remediation purposes

  • May allow a Problem to trigger a Runbook for diagnostics or remediation purposes