Service Offer Data Object
The Service Offer data object defines how a Service Offer template will be instantiated and under what terms and conditions – price, deployment, approval, workflow, service level (contract), etc.
Key Attributes
The Service Offer data object shall have the following key data attributes:
Id: unique identifier for every Service Offer in the catalog
Catalog Id: identify in which catalog this Service Offer is available (from the Service Offer Catalog)
Name: description of the Service Offer for consumers to identify/search Offers
Start Date: date/time on which the Service Offer may be consumed
Expiry Date: date/time on which the Service Offer is no longer available
Status: indicates if the Service Offer is ready for consumption (e.g., draft, published, retired, etc.)
Price: if applicable, the pricing information on the service, including the type of Subscription
Required Value: mandatory options or variables linked to the service which need to be provided by the consumer to prevent issues during the fulfillment; (some of) these options or variables might not be selectable for customers but are pre-filled by the Offer itself upon creation of the Offer
Key Data Object Relationships
The Offer data object shall maintain the following relationships:
Service Offer to Product Release Blueprint (n:1): each Service Offer is based upon the definition of one Product Release Blueprint
Service Offer to Order (1:n): provides Service Offer details that will help to manage Orders
Service Offer to Subscription (n:m): Service Offer obtains contract-related terms and conditions (pricing, service levels, etc.) from Subscription
Service Offer to Entitlement (1:n): determines what a consumer (human or machine) is entitled to order
Service Offer to Interaction (n:1): makes Service Offers available to consumers through the Consumer Experience functional component
Service Offer to Service Offer (n:m): Service Offers can be built and defined as a collection of more fine-grained service components or service actions