Interaction Data Object


The Interaction data object manages a Consumption Experience for consumers that represents a request for assistance. The Interaction record can be created either through a virtual agent conversation (chatbot), a traditional self-service interface, or service desk agents. The Interaction determines whether the engagement is a new service order; for example, a Change, an Incident, or a simple RFI such as knowledge, contract, chargeback information

Key Attributes

The Interaction data object shall have the following key data attributes:

  • Id: unique identifier of the Interaction record

  • Description: description of the consumer needs

  • Status: current stage of the Interaction

  • Opened For: consumer who initiated the Interaction

  • Assigned To: name of the fulfiller: live agent name or virtual agent

  • Opened: date and time when the Interaction started

  • Updated: date and time when the Interaction record was last updated

Key Data Object Relationships

The Interaction data object shall maintain the following relationships:

  • Interaction to Identity (n:1): connection to Identity for obtaining the consumer profile and contact information

  • Interaction to Order (n:1): initiates the Order as per the information provided in the Interaction

  • Interaction to Incident (1: n): provides the interface for consumers to submit their own Incidents or break-fix requests

  • Interaction to Knowledge Item (1:n): provides the interface for consumers to search for information about products and services