Finalize Roadmap & Scope Agreement Stage

The purpose of the value stream stage “Finalize Roadmap & Scope Agreement” is to assign work and begin to conduct planning meetings on a regular cadence. Stakeholder buy-in and agreement to the Release roadmap and outcomes must be obtained. This includes setting up tracking and reporting on progress. The deliverables for this value stream stage are an approved Architecture Roadmap and outcomes.

Table 1. Finalize Roadmap & Scope Agreement Value Stream Stage

Entrance Criteria:

  • Architecture Roadmap Items

Exit Criteria:

  • Approved Architecture Roadmap and outcomes

Value Item:

  • Architecture Roadmap with work packages outlining resource requirements and budget allocation


  • Shall assign/allocate resources to work packages

  • May assign/allocate resources to work on subsequent work packages

  • May conduct planning meetings on a regular cadence

  • Shall obtain stakeholder review and agreement of the Architecture Roadmap and outcomes

  • Shall track and report on the progress of the Scope Agreement, work packages, and related IT initiatives

  • May update a Scope Agreement and work packages

  • May allocate / assign resources for build and deliver activities (link to value streams)

  • Shall update Portfolio Backlog Items to reflect the build and deliver progress status

Examples of Participating Stakeholders:

  • Development Team

  • Enterprise Architect

  • Product Manager

  • Risk Analyst

  • Security Analyst

  • Vendor Manager