Usage Functional Component

The Usage functional component tracks and manages the actual usage of subscribed digital services and their associated costs.
The Usage functional component supports the Consume value stream.
Functional Criteria
The Usage functional component:
May track actual usage of subscribed digital services by gathering service usage metrics, activity, and history for both internal and external sourced services associated with an aspect of the Desired Product Instance
Usage Records can have any unit:
CPU usage, storage consumption, transaction numbers, etc.
It can also be a cost number from the Resource functional component
It can be the price a sub-supplier is reporting – a price is considered as the cost of running that component
May process and break down usage information for each Subscription, its consumers (singular, group), provider, etc.
May collect service usage metrics from the Monitoring functional component
Shall encrypt sensitive usage information or set appropriate access controls
Can generate service usage history and activity reports
May provide usage information to the Chargeback functional component, enabling usage-based chargeback (or showback)
Shall collect costs associated with sub-services if a service is further decomposed; this will be the cost reported as Chargeback Records on the sub-services and will be reported as usage back up to the next level in the service composition
Shall collect usage information from vendor invoices that represent Resources used by the service
Shall collect cost of capacity partaking in delivery of the service