Service Level Functional Component

The Service Level functional component enables the design and creation of Service Contracts. It is also responsible for the management of all Service Contract data objects throughout their lifecycle, including the governance of the Service Contract instances from the moment they are instantiated. It is responsible for collecting the relevant information in order to monitor compliance with the terms specified in the Service Contract and exposing data that reflects actual performance against the defined SLAs, SLOs, Operational-Level Agreements (OLAs), and/or XLAs.
The actual legal aspects of the Service Contracts are not handled by the Service Level functional component directly; however, these documents (usually created and managed by the legal department and not in IT) are used by the functional components of the Evaluate, Explore, and Integrate value streams as the main input for the demand and requirements definition stages.
The Service Level functional component supports the value streams:
Functional Criteria
The Service Level functional component:
Shall be the system of record for the Service Contract
Shall manage the Service Contract lifecycle (create, store, and maintain)
Shall manage the lifecycle (create, store, and maintain) of KPIs
Shall manage the state of the Service Contract
Shall manage the relations between the Service Contract and the KPI throughout their lifecycles
Shall create reports on the Service Contracts to show the QoS per SLO
Shall create a Service Contract (instance) and start measuring it once a Subscription is instantiated if the Order functional component exists
May receive business/IT measurements from the Monitoring functional component if a Monitoring functional component exists
May receive measurements such as Incident data as well as other information that may be covered by the Service Contract and used for calculating the KPI measurements
May instantiate a Service Contract from a Service Contract (template) originating from the Offer functional component
May receive Incident business measurements from the Incident component if an Incident functional component exists
May send reporting data on the service level status to the Consumption Experience functional component