Principles for Digital Standards

Why is it necessary to create principles for open digital standards? The principal reason is the breadth of the subject being covered; re-orienting an enterprise to have a digital business model, or creating a new digital enterprise from scratch, requires a breadth of guidance including strategy, business models, operational guidance for both business and technical operations, and topics like compliance and security. Trying to capture this breadth in a single work would result in an unmanageably large and complex document. Instead, this document provides a set of Enterprise Principles to harmonize decisions by Forums and Work Groups on the content of standards and guides.

Figure 1. Digital Principles Extend TOGAF Principles

A secondary reason is that industry understanding of digital best practices and standards is evolving rapidly. This evolution is best captured by a set of modular documents which can evolve independently, yet have:

  • Cohesiveness, including navigable cross-referencing

  • Consistent terminology

  • Consistency in quality and style

This document provides a set of business, content, and quality principles to guide the development and evolution of such standards at The Open Group.